Ultrasound Guided Rehabilitation
In order to understand what ultrasound guided rehabilitation is it is important to explain first what ultrasound is and how we use it.
" Ultrasound describes mechanical sound waves above 20kHz. Frequencies between 1MHz and 20MHz are used for ultrasound imaging " (bir.org.uk)
Point Of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
" The use of ultrasound imaging by a clinician to inform and/or support the clinical assessment and/or treatment of their patient " (csp.org.uk)
It is important to note that POCUS is different from Diagnostic Ultrasound. POCUS is not used to diagnose in any capacity; it is purely a tool used to aid in assessment or facilitate treatment.
Diastasis Recti
'separation of the muscles along the midline of the abdomen'
After pregnancy it is common for most women have a diastasis recti to some degree but it is important that this is assessed and managed in the postpartum period to prevent injury or dysfunction.
Ultrasound is an effective tool which can be used to measure and monitor diastasis recti.
With or without diastasis, many people struggle to engage with their deep core muscles, leading to muscle imbalances and dysfunction. Ultrasound can be a great too to help you visualise your deep core muscles and learn strategies to optimise engagement and strength.
Pelvic Floor
After pregnancy, some women may feel a loss of strength or connection with their pelvic floor muscles, due to increases in load and pressure on these muscles during the prenatal period and during birth.
Ultrasound from a trans-abdominal approach can be a great non-invasive way of visualising a pelvic floor contraction and a helpful tool in re-building the connection with these muscles.

Reference - bmj.com